Holly Days in Downtown Elgin

Holly Days kicks-off on Small Business Saturday (November 30) and continues throughout the month of December. Components of this month-long event will include special events such as the Holiday Cheers Beverage Crawl, a pop-up market, and more. This event was designed to coincide with Small Business Saturday to encourage visitors to holiday shop and dine in Downtown Elgin throughout the entire holiday season to support local businesses.

HOLIDAY BUSINESS HAPPENING CALENDAR, Click the links to learn more
Holiday Craft O-Rama Dec. 23
Christmas Day Open House Dec. 25
Chanukah Celebration Dec. 26

Holiday Shopping

Holiday Gift Guide

Thank you to our sponsors

City of Elgin
City of Elgin

Presenting Sponsor

Inspire Realty
Inspire Realty Group

Small Business Champion

Cristina Castro
Senator Cristina Castro

Small Business Champion

School of Rock- Elgin
School Of Rock- Elgin

Small Business Supporter

Symonds-Madison Funeral Home
Symonds-Madison Funeral Home

Small Business Supporter

Your Front eOffice
Your Front Office

Champion Sponsor

Downtown Neighborhood Association of Elgin

31 S. Grove Avenue, Suite 100
Elgin, IL 60120

In Partnership with