SizeUpElgin is a free business analytic tool offering local market research and analysis to help business owners and entrepreneurs make smart decisions and have the greatest opportunity to start, grow, compete, and succeed. Learn how your small business measures up to your competition. Learn the locations of potential customers, suppliers, and competitors. Learn how to invest your advertising budget in the right place. SizeUpElgin is now available for local business owners and entrepreneurs to use free of charge compliments of the Downtown Neighborhood Association of Elgin. It’s your city. It’s your DNA.

Thumbnail for SizeUpElgin Training Session on Youtube

Watch a recording of their live session to learn more about measuring up to competition, identifying potential customers, suppliers, and competitors, and investing in the right place.

How are you using SizeUpElgin and how is it benefiting your business? Tell us here!

This tool is making it very easy for me and my team to target specific clientele to expand our business locally.

Steve Kroiss - Owner, 79 Ratio
SizeUp Elgin Business Analytics Tool


See how you size up by comparing your business performance to other competitors in your industry. SizeUp super-crunches millions of data points so you’ll know exactly where you rank.

SizeUp Elgin Business Analytics Tool


Find new customers and suppliers, plus better understand the competitive landscape. Visualize new business opportunities through lists of local companies and analysis of consumers.

SizeUp Elgin Business Analytics Tool


Target your ideal customers based on the specific customer characteristics that matter most to your business. Then, determine the best places to target your next marketing campaign.

SizeUp Elgin Business Analytics Tool


Interactively map demographic, labor force, and consumer expenditure data for the Elgin area. Tailor your analysis to the area around your address, or to a custom boundary.


SizeUp Elgin is a free, robust business analytics tool designed to support small and medium-sized businesses in a variety of stages, from the entrepreneur looking to start their first business to a seasoned business owner looking to expand their customer base. SizeUp Elgin can assist in providing answers to:

• Where should I start my business in Elgin?
• Who are my competitors and how do I perform compared to them?
• How can I find more customers?
• How do I identify the best places to locate and advertise my business?

To get started using this tool simply follow the prompts within the tool itself. If you have technical questions please email
Learn more about SizeUp here.

SizeUp Elgin is a free tool brought to you compliments of the Downtown Neighborhood Association Elgin. This tool is for use by local businesses and entrepreneurs. If you are interested in opening a business in Downtown Elgin please complete the form below and we will contact you promptly.

Let’s Get Started on Your Future in Downtown Elgin!

Downtown Neighborhood Association of Elgin

31 S. Grove Avenue, Suite 100
Elgin, IL 60120

In Partnership with